Thursday, March 08, 2007

why do I care?

picked up a meme from a friend.


1. What is your occupation?
student ._.

2. Do you like banana sandwiches?

perhaps with peanut butter. or without the bread.

3. What are you listening to right now?
Up To You - Luna Sea

4. What was the last thing you ate?
drank some apple juice. does it count?

5. Do you wish on stars?
I wish I could get on them. maybe. I usually think they are so pretty amazing I forget about wishing most of the time.

6. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?

7. How is the weather right now?
I hope its still clear.

8. Last person you spoke to on the phone?

9. Do you like the person who sent this to you?
oh hell yea. enough to rip it off her blog.

10. How old are you today?
19. still.

12. Favorite sport to watch?
pretty hyde dancing behind the mic?

13. Have you ever dyed your hair?
yep. twice.

14. Do you wear contacts or glasses?

15. Pets?
I had rabbits.

16. Favorite month?

17. Favorite food?
erm. don't know. I like fish.

18. What was the last movie you watched?
Stranger Than Fiction. I think. it's been a while

19. Favorite day of the year?

20. What do you do to vent anger?
bite someone. something. sometimes cry.

21. What was your favorite toy as a child?
toys... I destroyed Barbies out of sheer boredom. perhaps my rollerblades.

22. Fall or Spring?

23. Hugs or kisses?
snuggles, rather. ok, hugs.

24. Cherry or Blueberry?
strawberries dipped in chocolate please.

25. Do you want your friends to email you back?
I might need to mail them in the first place.

26. Who is most likely to respond?
do you care?

27. Who is least likely to respond?
do I care??

28. Living arrangements?
close to the ceiling.

29. When was the last time you cried?
yesterday reading an essay a classmate wrote.

30. What is on the floor of your closet?
perhaps a rainbow scarf.

you don't want to know what's on the floor of the real one, do you?

31. Who is the friend you have had the longest?
karen chan sum yee you stupid bitch!!! <3>

32. What did you do last night?
peer critique essays. shut up, my life IS boring.

33. What are you afraid of?
fear. sloth. procrastination.

35. Plain, cheese or spicy hamburgers?
cheese. do you care???

36. Favorite car?
a chocolate one I could eat. puh-lease. not into cars.

37. Favorite dog breed?
I like cats. okok. I hate terriers. what did you say? fine. those golden thingies.

38. Number of keys on your key ring?
not enough for a Kingdom. three.

39. How many years at your current job?

40. Favorite day of the week?

41. How many states/provinces have you lived in?
just michigan. and guangzhou. I think.

42. How many cities have you lived in?
what?!? babies can't count.

why do I care?

maybe cos I'm bored.

smexy hyde croons from my wallpaper.


happy belated birthday. I promise to get you some St. Pats Day paraphernalia. go green.


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